
社名 シブサワ・アンド・カンパニー株式会社
Shibusawa and Company, Inc.
所在地 〒107-0062
東京都港区南青山二丁目5-17 ポーラ青山ビル16階    * 5月7日より左記に移転しました
代表取締役 渋澤 健
取締役 渋澤 美紀
TEL 03-6721-0815



渋澤 健

1961年逗子市生まれ。父の転勤で渡米。1983年テキサス大学化学工学部卒業。1987年UCLA Anderson経営大学院修士課程(MBA)修了。複数の米系投資銀行で外債、国債、為替、株式およびデリバティブのマーケット業務に携わり、1996年に米大手ヘッジファンドに入社。2001年に独立し、シブサワ・アンド・カンパニー株式会社を創業、代表取締役に就任。2007年にコモンズ株式会社を創設、2008年にコモンズ投信株式会社へ改名し、会長に就任。2021年にブランズウィック・グループのシニアアドバイザー、2023年にアフリカ向けインパクトファンド株式会社and Capitalを創業、代表取締役CEOに就任。

経済同友会幹事および中東・アフリカ委員会 共同委員長、岸田政権の「新しい資本主義実現会議」など政府系委員会の委員に就任。また、インドのベンチャーキャピタルChiratae Venturesアジア・アドバイザリーボードのメンバー、東京大学総長室アドバイザー、UNDP(国連開発計画)SDG Impact Steering Group委員、IFVI(International Foundation for Valuing Impact)理事、ISSB(国際サステナビリティ基準審議会)議長の特別顧問GSG国内諮問委員会の委員長に就任。

また最近では、G7広島サミットで発表されたTriple I for GH: Impact Investment Initiative for Global Health(グローバルヘルスのためのインパクト投資イニシアティブ)の共同議長に就任。


Ken Shibusawa

Ken Shibusawa founded in 2001, Shibusawa and Company, Inc., a strategic advisory firm for alternative investments, ESG/SDGs alignment and human resource development. He also founded in 2008, Commons Asset Management, a mutual fund dedicated to deliver long term investment opportunities to the Japanese household. In 2021, he joined Brunswick Group as senior advisor. In 2023, he founded &Capital, Inc, an impact fund management company for Africa.He has extensive market experience at JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs as well as Moore Capital, a global macro hedge fund, where he was the representative managing director of the Tokyo Office.

He is also trustee and co-chairperson of the Japan-Middle East/Africa Relations Committee of Keizai Doyukai (Japan Association of Corporate Executives) , and is a member of numerous government committees, including the Council for New Form of Capitalism, established by Prime Minister Kishida. He also serves as a member of Asia Advisory Board of Chiratae Venutres, a leading venture capital fund in India investing in tech startups. In addition, he is an advisor to the Office of the President at the University of Tokyo, steering committee member of UNDP SDG Impact , board member of the IFVI(International Foundation for Valuing Impact), a special advisor to the ISSB (International Sustainability Standards Boards) chair, chairman of GSG (Global Steering Group for Impact Investment) National Advisory Board Japan.

And most recently was named as co-head of Triple I (Impact Investment Initiative) for Global Health, an initiative that was endorsed by G7 leadership at the Hiroshima Summit.

He is a published author and writes frequently in magazines, journals, and internet media. He also publishes and hosts of a podcast, Made With Japan

He was educated in the United States from second grade elementary through college (University of Texas, BS Chemical Engineering, 1983), and then returned again for graduate school (UCLA Anderson School of Management, 1987).


